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Fetch with Molly - solo photography

When trying to take photos of Molly, it would be a lot easier to get somebody else to play with her, while I try and track her with a camera slightly out of the way.

I was wondering if I could take photos while I’m playing with her, without getting in the way of playtime.

So, I grabbed my little Ricoh GR camera, which I can hold and operate with one hand and experimented a bit.

Because the garden was in a mix of bright light and shadow, I used Auto ISO - but set a minimum shutter speed of 1/500. It turned out the best shots were in the sunlight and the shutter speed was between 1/1000 and 1/2500 most of the time anyway.

The aperture was set to f/2.8 - but that was an afterthought - it did separate her from the background a bit.

Focus could have been an issue, but I just set focus to be 1.5 metres away. I then threw the ball and ran to a point about 1.5 metres away and tried to get a shot.

The resulting shots aren’t works of art - but I’m glad I’ve proved to myself that I can get photos while playing alone with Molly - and there are aspects of this first attempt that can be improved.

I’m also going to try this with assistance so that I can concentrate on the photography whilst Molly is entertained playing with somebody else.